- The Factory Seeks Elite Performance in Athletes

11 Year NFL Veteran & Owner Billy Miller Improves the Fundamental Components of Human Movement

Anyone who has ever witnessed the fluid grace of a professional athlete is left with a feeling of awe.  How could they possibly be that talented?  What is there that separates the weekend athlete from the professional? Is it just talent? Are professional  athletes  just genetic anomalies with a pre-disposition for greatness? Or is there something more?  And what separates the great professional from the average?

One of the answers to these questions is training.  How hard is an athlete willing to work to attain greatness?  Is he/she willing to push themselves harder and further than ever before in pursuit of greatness?  And are they training properly?  Do they understand the fundamentals of human movement?  It is not enough to simply practice running faster and jumping higher.  With advancement in knowledge concerning the human anatomy it is necessary today to understand the physics involved in human movement so that proper training can be undertaken.

Billy Miller, eleven year NFL veteran and owner of The Factory, understands what types of training are necessary to achieve goals in sports.  His 18,000 square foot training facility in Westlake Village, California, is designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Reduce sports injuries

  • Enhance performance

  • Provide Ideal Training Environment

  • Have a global impact

The Factory opened in 2007 and provides a state-of-the art training facility not only for the professional athlete but the high school, college, or serious amateur athlete.  Physical and massage therapy is on site; a nutritionist is on staff to make sure the right nutritional balance is maintained.  A world-class weight room, 4-lane indoor sprint track, and a trained staff dedicated to putting together the optimal individual workout program for each member, all of these things and more are offered at The Factory.

Visit The Factory’s website at and find out what all the talk is about.  We at Sports highly recommend Billy Miller and his staff.  Many of our customers who have relocated have found that the name Billy Miller is synonymous with honesty, integrity, and professionalism.  After helping a professional athlete relocate to a new area one of the first people we recommend that they talk to is Billy Miller.  Off-season workouts and training will reach new levels if you take the time to find out what The Factory is all about.

At Sports our concern is the total service of the professional athlete.  Our job is not limited to real estate, finances, and moving possessions.  We believe that the wider our network of professionals the better able we will be to properly serve our customers.  And that is why The Factory is the preferred workout facility for many of our clients.

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