The Best Time to Buy or Sell a Home

We are asked this question often by clients, when is the best time to buy or sell a home, and the question is almost always followed by another question:  it’s spring, right? Without a doubt, spring is the busiest time of the year in real estate.  On the other end of the spectrum, the slowest time of the year is the November-December period, which makes sense considering that is prime holiday season.

So, is the supposition correct? Is spring truly the best time to buy or sell a home?

It depends!

If you have school-age kids then yes, most likely spring is the best time, giving kids a chance to transition into a new school.  There is also a drastic increase in home-lookers in the spring, which again makes sense. The winter weather is gone, the sun is finally out, and people emerge from their homes and begin looking at home.

But, looking at it another way, true, there are fewer people looking at homes in the fall and winter, but those who are really are serious buyers. There is less inventory available in the fall and winter, and fewer people out looking, but generally those people are very serious to be out at that time, either because of a divorce, or a job transfer, or suddenly they have twins coming and they need more room.

It really is in the eye of the beholder.  True, there are fewer people looking for homes in the winter, but there are also fewer homes on the market, so the competition is lower.

The answer to the question, when is the best time, is simply this: the best time to buy or sell a home is the time that is best for your own circumstance.

Sports Relocation, Inc. Sports Relocation, Inc assist players/coaches of all professional sports leagues including the NBA, WNBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, and entertainers relocate nationwide by servicing their Real Estate & Relocation needs. Ikem Chukumerije is licensed to practice real estate in New York, California, Nevada, Florida, & Georgia. Sports Relocation, Inc operates nationwide and provides elite athlete relocation services in all 50 states and internationally.