Athlete & Celebrity Relocation | Luxury Real Estate Las Vegas

You are a professional athlete and you have just been traded.  You have three days to report to your new team.  Three days to get your affairs in order.  Three days to leave your home and find suitable short-term housing in your new city.  Three days to arrange for the transportation of your possessions and the shipment of your vehicles.  Three days! You call your agent and ask him to help you find new housing in Los Angeles where you are heading, but really, he is not an expert in pro athlete homes.  He knows how to structure a contract and arrange for guest appearances, but he has no clue how to find the best deals in sports real estate.  Quick!  What do you do?

What you do is what hundreds of other professional athletes and celebrities have done and that is call the offices of  We are the celebrity athlete home experts, and because we are affiliated nationwide and because we are licensed in four of the most desirable states in the country, we are able to find a celebrity athlete home that suits your lifestyle and needs.

These transactions cost millions of dollars. Now is not the time for guesswork or for dealing with an agent not accustomed to the world of celebrity real estate.  Now is the time to call in the professionals from and let us do our thing in a timely and professional manner.

If a team is looking for someone to consistently sink a 30-footer in traffic they call you.  When an athlete is looking for a luxury pro athlete home with great amenities they call  It just makes good financial sense to go with the pros when a pro job is needed.

Remember this name….Sports Relocation .com….we are standing by waiting to sink that 30-footer.